Caring for your wooden toys boils down to two main issues: Moisture and Sunlight



  • Oiled wood eventually gets dry and may need a little extra attention to keep it looking its best. Toys with a natural oil finish (i.e., toys that have not been dyed a color) will appreciate a reapplication of oil to hydrate the wood every year or two. We recommend Tried & True™ Original Wood Finish.

  • Never submerge your wooden toys in water. If your wooden toy gets wet we recommend wiping it with a dry cloth and allowing it to completely dry.

  • Wood toys should not be left outside or exposed to the elements for any length of time.

  • We use toymakers wood dye (not paint) on our colored items. It’s a safe non-toxic and durable color that will last for many years. But it is NOT waterproof and color transfer will occur if it gets wet. All of our colored items are recommended for ages 3+.


  • Store your wooden toys out of direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause natural (oil finished) items to darken and the color of dyed items to fade. Excess sun exposure, such as being kept in a windowsill, will accelerate these changes.

  • Cherry wood in particular dramatically darkens over time whether or not it is exposed to direct sunlight. New toys made from cherry wood tend to be a warm honey color but will mature into a dark molasses color - this is natural.

  • Play with your toys! If a toy gets left in the same place on a shelf, the exposed parts of that toy will darken at a different rate than the rest of it. If it gets used frequently and played with, the color change will be gradual and even.

Like people, wooden toys appreciate love and attention. Be sure they are played with frequently and they will age beautifully!